This project was created as a pilot for a new format. Everything from planning, hosting, and filming to scriptwriting and post-production was carried out independently. The video is part of a travel journalism series that took me from Cyprus to Lesbos and Romania, aiming to explore various issues within the European Union.
For the FUNK channel "Chris Müller," I conducted my first investigative research as an editor. I was responsible for the research and made sure to get a comprehensive understanding by personally attending an event at the Awakening Church to experience it live.
As the final video of the “JustSaying” project, I spent a day with two homeless teenagers, exploring the question of how our society can allow this form of poverty to exist.
As part of the "Projekt Padawan" by environmentalist and documentary filmmaker Robert Marc Lehmann, I worked with a team to produce a one-hour documentary on zoological gardens. We explored what truly lies behind the zoo system. The documentary reached over 40,000 people on YouTube and won the Audience Award at the Lost Diamond Awards of the Hochschule der Medien.
In this episode of "JustSaying," I met with students during the COVID-19 pandemic to explore how this often overlooked group is coping with the challenges.
In the first episode of "JustSaying," I tackled the important issue of educational inequality in Germany and also examined the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG).
As part of a university project, I created a portrait of the queer Safe Space Weißenburg. Once again, everything from planning to post-production was carried out independently. The goal was to highlight the significance of this place for the queer community in Stuttgart and to shed light on its role as a sanctuary and meeting place.
40 Millionen Menschen leben in Sklaverei und leiden beim Produzieren unserer Produkte. Aber was genau hat mein Konsumverhalten damit zu tun und wie versucht der deutsche Staat etwas an der Situation zu ändern? Ein Essay.
Katja Diehl ist Spiegel-Bestseller-Autorin, Aktivistin und Podcasterin. Die Rolle des Autos in unserer Gesellschaft stellt sie stark in Frage. LinkedIn zählte Sie 2019 zu den „25 Top Voices in Deutschland“ und mit ihrer Arbeit löst sie bundesweite Debatten aus. Ein Interview
Hinter der idyllischen Fassade der Villa Adlon verbirgt sich ein Netzwerk der rechten Szene. Unsere Recherchen enthüllen geheime Treffen, bei denen AfD-Politiker, Neonazis und das Who-is-Who der Rechtsextremen ihre Pläne schmieden.